“Oil painting came early and late in my life here in my hometown of Montgomery, Alabama,” says Ben Sansom.
After being discharged from the Air Force during the Korean War in 1954, Ben attended Huntingdon College and graduated in 1958 with a degree in Art. He was offered a teaching position at Lee High School with the purpose of establishing an Art Program. Ben taught Art there for five years. During those early years of his “art career”, he won numerous awards and recognition in and around the Montgomery area.
Ben shifted his focus in education to the field of vocational education and administration where he stayed until his retirement.
Now free to pursue art again Ben’s passion is to capture the beautiful colors that exist all around us in a variety of subject matter and styles.
Artist Statement:
“I am an impressionistic painter in a variety of brush and palette knife uses covering a broad subject matter. I must first acknowledge my thanks and devotion to God for the talent He so graciously placed in my hands. Over the many years of my life, I have been fortunate to have made many travels to places all around this world. Now in my later years, I am able to draw from those experiences by transposing those reflections onto oil and canvas in a broad array of color, medium, and application. It is my hope that I can share through my paintings, the beauty of God’s handiworks.”
Exhibitor: Ben Sansom
Address: Unavailable
Phone: Call SAC’s Gallery
Click on an image for more details (e.g. dimensions, framing, price, etc.) and purchasing instructions.